
The woman owned business we want to uplift today is @chicomecoatlien Chicomecóatl (chee cōh méh qúat) is the ancient Aztec goddess of corn (maíz) & sustainability; a fitting tribute to Maricela Vega's forebearers, maíz farmers from Guanajuato, Mexico. Chicomecóatl provides people with nutritious food, proudly partnering with local, organic farms such as @buckeyecreekfarmga, @growwhereyouare@mayflorfarms, and @menas_farm .These fresh ingredients help Chicomecóatl create modern Mexican food while honoring the rich and diverse heritage of food from Mexico.” Chef Maricela Vega partners with athenaswarehouse to provide a free educational workshop twice a year which is culturally relevant, highlights sustainability as a lifestyle, and reminds our girls where their food comes from. ⠀ Chef Mari, was the 1st person this year’s participants heard say the words “farm to table” or “decolonizing our food.” School nutrition doesn’t have the capacity to cover these topics so Chef Mari brings in fresh locally grown food and demonstrates simple recipes inspired by Mexican traditions. We love ya @marsdemari ! Thank you so much for giving us your time and expertise for over 2 years! You embody resilience as you work tirelessly to provide clean food, fun, and youth accessible frameworks for practical sustainability. Your dedication to decolonizing Atlanta cuisine is phenomenal and we’re excited to be on this journey with you. ⠀ ⠀ Be on the lookout for a special digital event or collaboration with Chef Mari! (Maybe Chef Mari will tell us where she personally gets her groceries, or film a special short just for AW supporters, so stay tuned.) Follow the link in chicomecoatlien bio to read about the “Each One, Feed One” initiative, a collaboration with Living Walls & Freedom University. #awresiliency #resilience #aw2020 #supportyourlocalfoodsystems #tamalbaes

Pamoja Keepsakes

The 1st woman owned business we want to uplift is @Pamojakeepsakes ⠀
"Pamoja (pah-mō-jah) means “together” in Swahili. We have everything we need when we work together. ☀️" Founded, owned, and operated by Atlanta artist and proud cat mom, Whitney Rivers, Pamojakeepsakes creates long-lasting memorabilia for everyday and special occasions! Follow the link in @pamojakeepsakes bio for a special new promotion. ⠀
#awresiliency #resilience #artistatlanta #blackownedbusiness

Athena's Warehouse Resiliency

What is resilience? The dictionary defines resilience as -⠀ 1.the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness." 2.the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.” We’ve chosen to step away from our traditional color scheme to evoke the power of resilience; the colors of the campaign will include red to represent the bloodshed by our ancestors who we inherited resilience from. As well as gold to invite power into our hearts as we continue to express resiliency. This campaign will celebrate one year of Mileydy and I being in leadership! It will also work to uplift local women owned businesses by promoting and uplifting their work for free! Women owned businesses can apply to be featured using this link . You can also participate by sharing our emails/posts with a friend who might be interested in hearing about us. If each one of us invited one new person to like the Athena’s Warehouse Facebook page, our network would reach the hundred thousands overnight! #awresiliency #aw2020 #resilience

Brown Tan Photo Engagement Annoucement.png